THE WALL STREET JOURNAL – Put Growth Back on the Political Agenda

APRIL 18, 2024 | READ >


JULY 15, 2023 | READ > 

BARRON'S – Bank Regulators Still Haven’t Learned the Right Lessons of the Failures

JUNE 5, 2023 | READ > 

FINANCIAL TIMES – How to End the US Debt Ceiling Stand-Off

MAY 15, 2023 | READ > 

FINANCIAL TIMES – Post-Pandemic Fiscal Spending Bears Much of the Blame for US Inflation

NOVEMBER 14, 2022 | READ > 

BARRON'S – Biden’s Economic Narrative Has Lost the Thread

SEPTEMBER 27, 2022 | READ > 

NATIONAL REVIEW – We Still Need Economic Growth But We Must Pay Attention to its Social Consequences

APRIL 14, 2022 | READ > 

THE ATLANTIC – Even My Business-School Students Have Doubts About Capitalism

JANUARY 2, 2022 | READ >

THE NEW YORK TIMES – We Need to Do Hard But Necessary Things to Tackle Inflation

DECEMBER 13, 2021 | READ >

BLOOMBERG OPINION – Our Financial Early Warning System Is Broken

JUNE 29, 2021 | READ > 

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL – The Biden Budget's Arithmetic Problem

June 20, 2021 | READ >

THE NEW YORK TIMES – How to Keep the Economy Booming — And Meet the Demand for Workers

June 8, 2021 | READ >

THE WASHINTON POST – Community colleges deserve more attention. But making them free isn’t the answer.

MAY 24, 2021 | READ > 

BARRON'S – Soak the Rich to Pay for Social Spending? Biden’s Tax Plans Don’t Add Up.

MAY 21, 2021 | READ > 

NATIONAL REVIEW – How Do We 'Build Back Better'?

MARCH 17, 2021 | READ > 

NATIONAL AFFAIRS – The Wall and the Bridge

SEPTEMBER 1, 2020 | READ > 

AEI – For Whom Should Corporations Be Run?

SEPTEMBER 4, 2020 | READ > 


JULY 29, 2020 | READ > 

THE WASHINGTON POST – What a Successful Economic Recovery Plan Must Look Like

JUNE 16, 2020 | READ > 

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL – Who’s Looking Out for Main Street?

MAY 18, 2020 | READ >

THE HILL – 'Lives or Livelihoods' Misses the Point of Pandemic Recovery

MAY 13, 2020 | READ > 

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL – Main Street Needs More Fed Help

APRIL 16, 2020 | READ >

AEI – How Treasury Should Implement Loans to Large Businesses

APRIL 10, 2020 | READ > 

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL – After the Cares Act, Hospitals and Businesses Need Sustained Support

APRIL 5, 2020 | READ > 

BLOOMBERG MARKETS – How to Avoid the Demand Doom Loop

MARCH 27, 2020 | READ > 

AEI – A Business Fiscal Response to a COVID-19 Recession

MARCH 20, 2020 | READ > 

THE ECONOMIST – America Needs to Fix Capitalism to Save It

OCTOBER 18, 2019 | READ > 

FINANCIAL TIMES – The White House and the Fed Must Learn to Talk to Each Other

JULY 29, 2019 | READ > 

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL – The Promise of Trump’s Mideast Plan

JULY 1, 2019 | READ >

FINANCIAL TIMES – After Amazon’s Pay Move, Improve Productivity to Increase Wages

OCTOBER 5, 2018 | READ > 

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL – Bailouts Shouldn't Be Only for Banks

SEPTEMBER 13, 2018 | READ > 

THE INTERNATIONAL ECONOMY – Will China's New Trade/Debt Diplomacy Strategy Reshape the World?

 WINTER 2018 | READ > 

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL – An Honest Federal Budget Would Help Control Spending and Debt

FEBRUARY 11, 2018 | READ > 

THE WASHINGTON POST – Economists respond to Summers, Furman over Mnuchin letter

NOVEMBER 29, 2017 | READ > 

THE HILL – Workers to See Benefit of Corporate Tax Cuts in Their Wages

NOVEMBER 6, 2017 | READ > 

FINANCIAL TIMES – Jerome Powell's Appointment is Just the Start

NOVEMBER 2, 2017 | READ > 

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL – Why America Needs Tax Reform

OCTOBER 5, 2017 | READ > 

HOOVER INSTITUTION PAPER — On the Prospects for Higher Economic Growth

JULY 18, 2017 | READ > 

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL – How to Keep the Fed From Following Its Models off a Cliff

JUNE 14, 2017 | READ > 

THE HILL – 6 Presidents Trump Can Look to as Economic Role Models

FEBRUARY 2, 2017 | READ > 

THE NEW YORK TIMES – How Donald J. Trump Could Promote Long-Term Economic Growth

DECEMBER 27, 2016 | READ >

INVESTORS BUSINESS DAILY – Milton Friedman Can Help Trump Make America Grow Again

NOVEMBER 25, 2016 | READ >

FOREIGN AFFAIRS – Brexit and Economic Competition

JULY 26, 2016 | READ > 

INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY – America's Slowing Economic Dynamo

JULY 8, 2016 | READ >

QUARTZ – Turn the populism of 2016 into an honest revolution in Washington

JUNE 30, 2016 | READ >

FORTUNE – Dodd-Frank Doesn’t Work, But This Plan Could

JUNE 11, 2016 | READ >