How do we fix the economy? It's not easy, but Glenn Hubbard, dean of
Columbia University's business school and former George W. Bush advisor,
says Americans need to think about the size of the government.
MSNBC – The U.S. and China: Why You're Out of Work
One can simply not fight the job wars without acknowledging one of the biggest elephants in the room, that is our failure to deal with the true barrier to job creation in this country, a destructive economic relationship with china. Co-author Peter Navarro breaks it down with Dylan Ratigan. Watch the interview on
Is the Economy at a Tipping Point?
Discussing whether growing regulatory and anti-business policies coming from Congress is taking the U.S. to a destructive tipping point, with Glenn Hubbard, Columbia Business School and Peter Navarro, UC Irvine.
YAHOO - America Needs Leaders Who Will Actually Tackle Our Real Problems
Done with tackling health care and financial reform, yet still struggling to create jobs, President Obama turned his attention this week to America’s failing public education system.
Refi Madness: Use Fannie and Freddie to Solve the Housing Crisis
Glenn Hubbard, Harvard-trained economist, former Bush administration official, dean of the Columbia Business School, is a mild-mannered, buttoned-down guy. But his proposal to bolster the housing market and provide some stimulus to America’s long-suffering homeowners is a bit radical.
YAHOO FINANCE – U.S. Economy "Close to a Destructive Tipping Point"
America is very close to a destructive tipping point," co-authors Glenn Hubbard and Peter Navarro warn in their new book Seeds of Destruction. "We must change how we conduct our politics and economics...or we will inevitably go the way of all once-great nations and suffer an irreversible decline."
YAHOO FINANCE – U.S. Economy "Close to a Destructive Tipping Point"
America is very close to a destructive tipping point," co-authors Glenn Hubbard and Peter Navarro warn in their new book Seeds of Destruction. "We must change how we conduct our politics and economics...or we will inevitably go the way of all once-great nations and suffer an irreversible decline."
Expiration of Tax Cuts Will Impede Economy
Glenn Hubbard discusses why increased taxes would hamper economic growth.